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Современная консерватизация и "режим истины" пандемии

Мероприятие завершено

Уважаемые коллеги!

Центр социокультурных исследований НИУ ВШЭ

приглашает Вас на научный семинар «Культура имеет значение».


В рамках данного семинара выступит


Димитрис Килакос    


PhD, адъюнкт-преподаватель, Университет Западной Аттики, Греция


с докладом на тему:


«Современная консерватизация и "режим истины" пандемии»


Семинар состоится 11 ноября 2020 года в 15:00 в дистанционном формате на платформе ZOOM


Идентификатор конференции: 982 2821 9290

Код доступа: 252067


Рабочий язык - английский



The impact of an ongoing conseratisation of our societies may be traced in various recent socio-political developments. This modern conservatisation is manifested as a tendency to cope with and react to emerging and novel developments affecting the previously established normality in social life by employing attitudes stemming from those parts of past experiences that do not coincide with the logic and the inherent dynamic of the underlying socio-historical processes. Its impact is vividly present nowadays, in social attitudes and public stances regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This conservatisation does not necessarily amount to conservatism, as this term is usually conceived in politics, i.e. as opposite to liberalism. On the contrary, it could be evident in both "conservative" and "liberal" political views. From the various aspects of modern conservatisation, this report focuses particularly on the relatively broad resonance of un- (or even counter-) scientific and irrational beliefs, due to its interest with regard to the pandemic. Furthermore, there will be the discussion of  the correlation of its epistemological background with postmodern views and theories, which have marked social sciences.