6th Summer School "Designing Feasible Cross-Cultural Research: Sampling and Procedure"
The School will take place in Moscow region, June 9-12, 2016 and will cover the following topics:
determining sample size and choosing an optimal sampling strategy for cross-cultural research;
choosing methods of data collection; pros and cons of online and offline data collection, interviewing and questionnaire administration;
research instrument design and adaptation;
ethical issues.
Participants will elaborate on their projects under the supervision of leading international researchers: Klaus Boehnke (PhD, Professor, Jacobs University, Bremen) and Fons van de Vijver (PhD, Professor, Tilburg University).
The working language of the School is English.
In order to participate in the Summer School, it is necessary: (1) to be officially employed by HSE as a researcher; (2) to fill out the application form and submit the extended abstract of your own research project in English. The proposed study should involve field research component and cover a topic in one of the following research fields: social psychology, economic psychology, and intercultural relations. The application form and the abstract should be emailed to ilscr.hse@gmail.com by May 10, 2016.
The abstract should contain the following key elements:
problem statement;
research aim and objectives;
research questions or hypotheses (including rationale);
proposed sample, procedure, and methods of data analysis.
The required volume is 2-3 pages, Times New Roman 12, double spaced. The abstract needs to be written independently, without the assistance of a translator or an editor.
The results of the competitive selection will be announced by May 18, 2016. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject any application without explanation.
Participation in the School is free of charge for members who have passed competitive selection. Participants selected should confirm their participation before May 25, 2016.