Summer school 2011
I International Summer School “Values and Socio-Economical Behavior: Cross-cultural Dimensions and Explanatory Models” was held on 17-21 June in the holiday hotel “Klyazma” near Moscow. Research fellows and trainee researchers of the international laboratory, lecturers and researchers, students and PhD students of HSE participated in the Summer School. The heads and leading researchers of the international laboratory (S. Schwartz, P. Schmidt, N.M. Lebedeva, V.I. Chirkov, A.N. Tatarko) and professors from foreign universities – leading specialists in cross-cultural psychology – were lecturers and scientific consultants in the summer school. English was working language.
Actual problems of theoretical and applied cross-cultural psychology were discussed during the summer school. Participants were able to listen to and to discuss lectures of the famous scholars, share their research experience and research methodology with others, get the feedback. The topics discussed during the summer school were the impact of culture (cultural values, religious identity and socio-cultural context) on individual socio-economic behavior as well as the society’s socio-economic development, examination of S. Schwartz’s theory and method of measuring individual values, perspective research issues into social and cross-cultural psychology, investigating and psychological structure of social capital, social axioms, processes of cultural dynamics etc. The lecturers of the summer school: Peter Schmidt (“The Challenges of Applied Social Psychology: Action Hypotheses, Metaanalysis and Intervention studies”), Nadezhda Lebedeva (“Values and attitudes to innovations: cross-cultural analysis”), Valery Chirkov (“Culture, psychological autonomy, and people’s functioning: Some theoretical and empirical insights”), Shalom Schwartz (“The Theory of Individual values, Revisions and Applications”), Eldad Davidov (“Cross-Cultural analysis of the PVQ over time and countries: Metric and scalar invariance in the ESS”), Holger Stenimetz (“The Structure of interrelations between the ten Schwartz values: A metaanalytical structural equation model (MASEM)”), Alexander Tatarko (“Social capital as predictor of economical attitudes: cross-cultural analysis”), Adam Cohen (“Religion and generosity among Irish Catholics and Turkish Muslims”) Yoshi Kashima (“Towards a social psychology of cultural dynamics”), Kwok Leung (“A cross-cultural project on social axioms: Implications for socio-economic behavior”), Emiko Kashima (“Culture and Threat Reactions”).
Some participants presented their own researches too. There were 7 presentations, included in the program in advance. The peculiarity of this summer school was that the researches were presented twice. The participants who made presentations had an opportunity to get the feedback from scientific consultants and their colleagues, and then they could improve the design of research with the help of the work group (4 people for each presentation in average). The participants who presented their work were Maxim Rudnev (“Comparison of validity and substantial fruitfulness of Inglehart and Schwartz”), Dmitri Podolskiy (“The study on values of adolescents: does method matter?”), Maria Snegovaya* (“Religious Affiliation and Individual Economic and Political Attitudes in Ukraine”), Lusine Grigoryan(“Interrelations between the economic attitudes and personal values: cross-confessional analysis”), Olga Pavlenko (“Which cultural differences are more significant: regional, ethnical or other?”), Sofia Isaakyan (“Interconnection between values and monetary attitudes in Caucasians”), Alexander Porshnev (“Do new media affect learning motivation: cross-cultural study of German and Russian students?”).
The major part of participants met again in two days after the summer school at the mini-conference of the international laboratory on 23 June.
Olga Pavlenko
Trainee researcher
* (Maria Snegovaya) Мария Снеговая включена Минюстом в список физлиц, выполняющих функции иностранного агента.
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