New article by Center staff in International Journal of Intercultural Relations
On December 13 the article “Causality crisis” in acculturation research a false alarm?: A commentary on Kunst (2021) by Dmitry Grigoryev and John W. Berry is available online.
New article by Center staff in International Journal of Intercultural Relations
On April 23 the article "The role of intercultural competence, in the relationship between intercultural experiences and creativity among students" by Maria Bultseva and Nadezhda Lebedeva is available online.
New article by Center staff in Applied Psychology: An International Review
On April 23 the article "Testing the Integration Hypothesis in the Republic of Dagestan: The Role of Social Capital" by Alexander Tatarko is available online.
Call for Papers 2020
Frontiers in Psychology invites papers for the special issue "Stereotypes and Intercultural Relations: Interdisciplinary Integration, New Approaches, and New Contexts" by Guest Editors: John W. Berry, Dmitry Grigoryev, Lusine Grigoryan, Anastassia Zabrodskaja, Susan T. Fiske.
New article by Center staff in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology
On November 7 the article "Values and communication apprehension as antecedents of conflict styles in intercultural conflicts: A study in Germany and Russia" by Anastasia Batkhina is available online.
New article by laboratory staff in Frontiers in Psychology
On Jule 16 the article "Mapping ethnic stereotypes and their antecedents in Russia: The Stereotype Content Model" by Anastasia Batkhina, Susan T. Fiske (Princeton University, USA) and Dmitry Grigoryev is available online.
New article by laboratory staff in Journal of International Migration and Integration
On May 24 the article "Towards an Integration of Models of Discrimination of Immigrants: from Ultimate (Functional) to Proximate (Sociofunctional) Explanations" by Anastasia Batkhina, John W. Berry, Dmitry Grigoryev and Fons van de Vijver is available online.
New article by laboratory staff in Journal of Intercultural Communication Research
On June 16 the article "Discordance of Acculturation Attitudes of the Host Population and their Dealing with Immigrants" by Anastasia Batkhina, Dmitry Grigoryev and Fons van de Vijver is available online.