Participation in international scientific conference in Smolensk
On May 27-28, ILSCR staff members Nadezhda Lebedeva, Alexander Tatarko, Zarina Lepshokova, Victoria Galyapina, Marina Kotova, Dmitry Dubrov and Maria Drobovtseva took part in the Fifth international scientific conference "Theoretical problems of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology".
The conference was held at Smolensk Humanitarian University, chaired by doctor of psychological sciences, professor, the head of the Department of General and Social Psychology of Smolensk Humanitarian University V. Gritsenko. The conference was attended by experts from Russia and foreign countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Belarus, Ukraine, Israel, Lithuania, Moldova and Kazakhstan. Participants discussed the challenges and prospects of research in the field of ethnic and cross-cultural psychology and presented the results of theoretical and empirical research.
At the plenary session N. Lebedeva made a report on "Multiculturalism and intercultural relations in Russia and Latvia" with the results of joint research conducted with A. Tatarko and J. Berry.
At the section "Development and Transformation of Ethnic, Religious, Civic Identity", M. Kotova presented the report on "Social identity from the point of view of its functions for the individual and for the group: perspective for understanding intergroup behavior."
At the section "Personality in the Context of Culture", D. Dubrov made a report on “Similarities and differences in the values of adolescents and their parents in urban and rural area."
At the section "Ethno-Psychological Problems of Migration and Acculturation," V. Galyapina presented the report on "Adaptation of migrants from Central Asia in Moscow region: the impact of identity and ethnic stereotypes on the strategies of acculturation".
At "Psychology of Intercultural Interaction and Ethnic Conflicts" section, M. Drobovtseva presented a report on "Dual identity and ingroup projection as a precondition for the formation of negative outgroup attitudes ". Z. Lepshokova presented the results of joint research with A. Tatarko devoted to testing hypotheses of multiculturalism, integration and contact in Kabardino-Balkaria.
On the second day of the conference there was the round table where participants summed up the results of the conference and determined the directions for further work.
Victoria Nikolaevna Galyapina
Senior Research Fellow
Maria Drobovtseva
Research Intern
Dmitrii Dubrov
Research Intern
Marina Kotova
Senior Research Fellow
Nadezhda Lebedeva
Laboratory Head
Zarina Lepshokova
Senior Research Fellow
Alexander Tatarko
Leading Research Fellow