Cross-cultural study of the environmental quality perception of the HSE Campuses in Moscow by the students
On February 2 Kirill Ilnitski (PhD, postdoc at ILSCR) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Cross-cultural study of the environmental quality perception of the HSE Campuses in Moscow by the students".
The seminar was dedicated to the ongoing research on the discrepancies between the objective character (patterns, complexity, physiological effects) and the subjective evaluation of the main HSE Campuses in Moscow (interiors, structure, adjacent area) by students of various cultural and social backgrounds (students from Russia, Western and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, with the sensibility for such variables as cultural region of origin and upbringing, size of native settlement, duration of living in Moscow, travel history).
The central role was given to the accomplished Phase 2 of the research: the results of phenomenological study and the proposed psychological assessment framework.