Participation in the XVI European Congress of Psychology
From July 2 to July 5, staff of the ILSCR took part in the XVI European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2019), which this year was held in Moscow.
In total, the laboratory staff organized 3 symposiums and 11 reports, including a plenary report by the chief researcher John W. Berry.
Batkhina A. - Antecedents of Conflict Styles in Intercultural Conflicts: A Study inGermany and Russia
Boehnke K. - Subjective Perspectives on Value Transmission: Insights from a Multi-Wave Longitudinal Study
Berry J.W. - How Shall We all Live Together?
Berry J.W. - Multiculturalism Hypothesis Across Cultures In SymposiumIntercultural Relations in Contemporary Europe and Beyond
Bombieri L. - Teachers' influence and cross-cultural differences on pupils’ attitudestowards migrants: a field-study in Italy and Russia
Dubrov D. - Generalized Trust as a Factor of Positive Attitude of Muscovitestowards Cultural Diversity
Efremova M. - The role of the information about the cause of poverty and coping strategies of the poor in the decisions to help economically disadvantaged individuals
Galyapina V.N, Lebedeva N.M., Lepshokova Z.H. Intercultural friendships, social identities and psychological well-being among the Russian minority in North and South Caucasus
Lebedeva N. - Three Models of Intercultural Relations in Post-Soviet Countries
Ryabichenko T., Lebedeva N. - Acculturation profiles and psychological adaptation of Russians in Georgia and Latvia
Lepshokova Z. - From the North Caucasus to Moscow: Multiple Identities, Acculturation, and Adjustment of Ingush Mi-grants in Moscow. A Network Analysis
Tatarko A. - Social capital, Acculturation attitudes, and Sociocultural adaptation of Migrants from Central Asia and South Korea
Anastasia Batkhina
Research Fellow
Klaus Boehnke
Deputy Laboratory Head
Lucia Bombieri
Research Intern
Victoria Nikolaevna Galyapina
Leading Research Fellow
Dmitrii Dubrov
Junior Research Fellow
Maria Efremova
Senior Research Fellow
Nadezhda Lebedeva
Laboratory Head
Zarina Lepshokova
Senior Research Fellow
Tatiana Ryabichenko
Senior Research Fellow
Alexander Tatarko
Chief Research Fellow