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Участие в XVI European Congress of Psychology

С 2 по 5 июля сотрудники МНУЛ СКИ приняли участие в XVI Европейском психологическом конгрессе (ECP 2019), который в этом году проходил в Москве.

Торжественная церемония открытия проходила 2 июля в Большом Кремлевском дворце.

Всего сотрудниками лаборатории было организовано 3 симпозиума и представлено 11 докладов, в том числе пленарный доклад главного научного сотрудника Джона Берри.

Batkhina A. -  Antecedents of Conflict Styles in Intercultural Conflicts: A Study in
Germany and Russia

Boehnke K. - Subjective Perspectives on Value Transmission: Insights from a Multi-Wave Longitudinal Study

Berry J.W. - How Shall We all Live Together?

Berry J.W. - Multiculturalism Hypothesis Across Cultures In Symposium
Intercultural Relations in Contemporary Europe and Beyond

Bombieri L. - Teachers' influence and cross-cultural differences on pupils’ attitudes
towards migrants: a field-study in Italy and Russia

Dubrov D. - Generalized Trust as a Factor of Positive Attitude of Muscovites
towards Cultural Diversity

Efremova M. - The role of the information about the cause of poverty and coping strategies of the poor in the decisions to help economically disadvantaged individuals

Galyapina V.N, Lebedeva N.M., Lepshokova Z.H. Intercultural friendships, social identities and psychological well-being among the Russian minority in North and South Caucasus

Lebedeva N. - Three Models of Intercultural Relations in Post-Soviet Countries

Ryabichenko T., Lebedeva N. - Acculturation profiles and psychological adaptation of Russians in Georgia and Latvia

Lepshokova Z. - From the North Caucasus to Moscow: Multiple Identities, Acculturation, and Adjustment of Ingush Mi-grants in Moscow. A Network Analysis

Tatarko A. - Social capital, Acculturation attitudes, and Sociocultural adaptation of Migrants from Central Asia and South Korea