The relationship of integration policies regarding migrants with perceived threat and generalized trust
On Febrary 25 Alexander Tatarko (PhD) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "The relationship of integration policies regarding migrants with perceived threat and generalized trust".
The large influx of migrants to Europe in recent years has caused more discussion about how to open migration policies that are beneficial to society. Despite the large number of studies conducted that examine the various effects of migration policy, its impact on social capital and its key component, generalized trust, is still poorly understood. Based on the data of the Society Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), as well as data on generalized trust and perceived group threat (from the ESS base), an attempt was made to consider the relationship of generalized trust with the general MIPEX index and its individual components. The database included 22 European countries and 39078 respondents. It has been suggested that open migration policy is related to generalized trust indirectly - by reducing the perceived group threat against migrants. The study made it possible to elicit an indirect (through the reduction in perceived group threat) positive effect of the entire MIPEX index and generalized trust. The effects of the individual eight components of the MIPEX index turned out to be different; their analysis was given in the report.