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Researchers of the ILSCR at the conference “Psychology of Individuality”

The 4th Conference “Psychology of Individuality” took place on 22d November. Researchers of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research participated in the conference. The section "Identity and Culture" was lead by the head of the lab Nadezhda Lebedeva.

Maria Efremova, the senior researcher of the ILSCR made a presentation “The role of religious identity in the concept of money among Russian youth”. The report noted the importance of the studies of religious identity impact on the attitudes toward money. The study involved 274 students from Moscow and Kazan universities: 170 Christians and 104 Muslims from theological and secular departments. Two components were extracted - an expression of religious identity (cognitive) and the way a person carries out own rules (behavior). Results of the study showed that the idea of money as a source of help to other prevails over the other factors within the whole sample. It was also revealed that the increase in expression of religious identity among Christians tends to reduce the importance of money. It was found that all respondents have an idea about the destructive role of money that reflects some internal conflict that is nedded to be examined in the future research.

Zarina Lepshokova, the junior researcher of the ILSCR, made a report “Psychological well-being and psychological health as indicators of migrant adaptation”. The researchers selected two regions with the greatest cultural distance and the most different ethnic identity: Kabardino-Balkaria District, Chechnya and Central Region. Two groups were studied: migrants in Kabardino-Balkaria (Russian who moved in KBD) and migrants in Moscow (the residents of KBD and the residents of Chechnya who moved in Moscow). The main hypothesis of the study was the relations of adaptation strategies of immigrants (according to theory of John Berry) with psychological health and well-being. Regression analysis identified several predictors of developing strategies of adaptation. Thus, the high level of ethnic identity leads to use of the strategy of separation by immigrants. At the same time high level of civic identity leads to the predominance of strategy of assimilation in both samples. Also cross-cultural differences in relation between identity and the choice of strategy of assimilation were found. According to the study results, it was found that the prevailing strategy of the two groups is the strategy of marginalization (39%).

The leading research associate of the ILSCR Alexander Tatarko gave a talk on “Socio-psychological capital in a multicultural society”. The report highlighted the main fundamental problem with the research: the identification and the psychological attitudes that affect the social attitudes of citizens related to the effectiveness of economic behavior in large social groups. The researchers investigated six representatives of ethnic groups living in different regions of Russia. The lowest level of trust was found among the Tatars, the highest level of confidence - Bashkir ethnic group. Tolerance has been taken over all the representatives of the North, the severity of civic identity to show more from the Russian ethnic group and lower in the North Caucasus. There were no differences in the interest of the economy. Significance of money most highly manifested in representatives of the North Caucasus and Tatarstan. The entire sample was characterized by a positive relationship of trust and the interest rate in the economy, material prosperity. Tolerance and positivity civic identity were associated with readiness to economic risk.

The discussants of the section from the laboratory were Maria Bulatova, Ekaterina Osipova, and Alexander Stefanov. The junior researcher Lusine Grigoryan made a report “Cross-cultural research of the informal ties in the organizations”within the section “Individual and organization”.

Alexander Stefanov

Trainee researcher