Socio-psychological features of psychological safety of students in conditions of intercultural interaction
At the Culture Matters seminar on February 21, a report was heard from Evgenia Vitalievna Egamberdieva on the topic: Social and psychological features of the psychological safety of students in conditions of intercultural interaction.

The speaker indicated that the research studied: personality structure, consisting of 5 integral personality traits according to L. Goldberg; socio-psychological characteristics (type of ethnic identity; indices of tolerance and authoritarianism, subjectivity, self-actualization, basic beliefs, psychological defense mechanisms), as well as social distance with representatives of other ethnic groups.
The characteristics of the groups were more similar than different. Intergroup differences were found in the levels of formation of the types of ethnic identity “ethno-egoism” and “ethno-isolationism” (their indicators are higher among students - Russian citizens); ethnic tolerance and the psychological defense mechanism “compensation” (their indicators are significantly higher among students - citizens of Uzbekistan). It has been established that Uzbek students perceive Russian students as the closest ethnic group, but they themselves are not such for students who are Russian citizens. Conflictogens are noted - socio-psychological personality traits that can cause conflicts: personal characteristics that are overexpressed in both groups, such as the belief in self-worth, luck, the ability to control current events, and at the same time a poorly developed positive ethnic identity.
More details about this study can be found in the article by E.V. Egamberdieva, N.A. Tsvetkova. Social and psychological features of psychological safety of students in conditions of intercultural interaction. Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social and economic psychology. 2022. Volume 7. No. 3(27), pp. 67 - 104