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Informal communication and organizational loyalty: cross-cultural analysis

On 5th of December together with the Department of Organizational Psychology scientific seminar "Culture Matters" took place. As part of the seminar was a lecture by Lusine Grigoryan, a junior researcher at the laboratory, graduate student of organizational psychology, on the theme: "Informal communication and organizational loyalty: cross-cultural analysis".

L. Grigoryan presented the main results of her dissertation research. It is devoted to the study of patterns of informal relationships between managers and subordinates and their impact on organizational loyalty of subordinates. In view of the globalizing world and the emergence of a growing number of multinationals problem of cultural specificity and universality of the phenomena of organizational behavior is becoming increasingly important in organizational psychology. From a practical standpoint L. Grigoryan findings could be the basis for a training program in order to create organizational loyalty.

Feature of this study is to examine the position of informal relations with model guanxi, which, in turn, defined as "the specific dyadic emotional ties that involve reciprocal services” (Bian, 1997). Survey of middle managers was conducted in 8 countries : Taiwan, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, India, Brazil, United Kingdom. To measure the components of informal connections to the methodology Y. Chen [Chen et al., 2009], and for the study of organizational loyalty - "Scale of organizational loyalty” [Lee, Allen, Meyer, Rhee, 2001] .

The results show that the structure of informal links between the slave and the head is universal in the studied cultures. Effect of components of informal relations on organizational loyalty and intention to leave the organization in a universally studied cultures: emotional attachment to the head positively associated with affective organizational loyalty and negatively - with the intention to leave the organization and respect for the head positively connected with affective and normative organizational loyalty.

 Study conducted by L. Grigoryan caused lively discussion on the seminar: participants have discussed the possibility of expanding the analysis of the data obtained.

Anna Lipatova