Value orientations of authoritative personality: cross-cultural research in Russia and Germany
On March 19, Yuriy Altman (researcher at the department of Social and Political Psychology, Yaroslavl State University), took part in the “Culture matters” research seminar.
Altman presented a talk entitled “Value orientations of authoritative personality: cross-cultural research in Russia and Germany”. The study attempted to identify universal and culture-specific patterns of authoritarianism and differences in value orientations. The sample (N=100) was comprised of Russian and German families. Values were assessed using methods by M. Rocheach and S. Schwartz, authoritarianism was assessed using R. Altmeyer’s methods. Altman identified differences in values and level of authoritarianism, as well as in the relation between them. The talk was followed by a discussion of the results. The attendees proposed possible ways of developing the research effort.