Prospects for the development of electronic sources of cross-cultural psychology in Russia
A scientific seminar devoted to development of electronic sources of cross-cultural psychology took place in ILSCR on 13 March. PhD and senior researcher of ILSCR Dmitry Podolsky spoke on possibilities of creating an electronic journal of cross-cultural psychology on the platform of ILSCR.
Establishment and subsequent development of the scientific journal, as printed and electronic, requires initiative and responsible approach to its planning. Planning for the ideological side of the magazine includes the definition of common concepts, themes of published research, goals, prospects, and possible development. However, besides the above-mentioned problems, there is also the technical side of work - the most difficult because you must choose in advance the direction in which the magazine will operate. First is the choice of information registers, depending on the concept of the magazine and the audience to which it will be focused, and direct phased registration, which requires a whole set of documents. Various registers set their criteria in relation to the magazine: the official language of publication (full-text versions of articles and reviews), duration and frequency of issues and some other parameters. The greatest difficulty at this stage is establishing criteria that are unacceptable for the other case.
An important aspect of planning is to finance the project. Editors should take into account the number of employees for the operation of the magazine, their monthly salaries, the ability to subscribe to and availability of paid and free access to the resource. In general, the registration of a new scientific journal may take several years.
In conclusion, Dmitry Podolski told about the benefits of e-journal, compared to the printed edition, and trainee researcher Olga Pavlenko shared information about the experience of her colleagues who have created an electronic journal.
Marina Lazutkina
Trainee researcher