Leadership styles, organizational culture, and personal characteristics as factors of employee orientation towards innovation in the organization
On October 14 Olga Abramova (Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Research Assistant, Center for Sociocultural Research, HSE University) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report "Leadership styles, organizational culture, and personal characteristics as factors of employee orientation towards innovation in the organization".
Modern IT organizations in non-Western cultures are influenced by globalism and Western management models. They explore international markets and successfully internalize Western management styles, regardless of cultural differences such as power distance and hierarchical inheritance. This study (N = 732) examined the relationship between leadership styles, organizational culture, and personal characteristics (e.g., proactivity and self-efficacy) with an employee orientation towards innovation in the Russian organizational context. Identified personal and socio-cultural characteristics that are important for the creation of innovation by employees: creative self-efficacy and innovative self-efficacy, as well as personal proactivity, which positively contribute to innovative leadership and employee orientation towards innovation. In addition, the results showed the relevance of person-centered leadership styles with a stronger focus on employee needs for Russian innovative companies.