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How robust is the association between life satisfaction and value congruence? A study of constructed socio-demographic groups in a Russian national sample.

On November 27, Alena Khaptsova, a doctorate student in the department of Organizational Psychology at HSE and a researcher at the Laboratory for Socio-cultural research, took part in the “Culture matters” seminar.

Why people don’t help what does it depend on

From 28th to 30th of October in the course of “Advanced Social Psychology”, Jane Piliavin, emeritus professor of Wisconsin University (USA), gave a three-day series of lectures about prosocial behavior.

Do Russians choose socialism?

On October 13, there was held the second discussion of the series “Values scale” in club “March”. This debate was dedicated to free market and entrepreneurship in the value hierarchy of Russians.

Civic education. Civic virtues of Russians

Senior researcher of ILSCR Alexander Tatarko talks about civic education and civic virtues at TV channel "Knowledge".

Congratulations to Nadezhda Lebedeva!

At the last meeting of the Higher School of Economics Academic Council, twelve professors have joined the board of tenured professors.

Verbal comprehension and working memory in Russian-Latvian bilingual adolescents

On October 16, Tatiana Kanonire, PhD, took part in the «Culture matters» seminar.

Nevet research group (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) took part in “Culture matters” research seminar

On October 2, Nevet research group (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) took part in “Culture matters” research seminar. Members of the research group presented their ongoing studies.

Practical applications of Schwartz’s value theory

On September 30 – October 1 Eugene Tartakovsky (Tel-Aviv University, Israel) have read a series of lectures on practical applications of Schwartz’s value theory.

Individual Differences and Differences among Nations in Perceptions of Organizational Politics

On September 25, Alexander Zibenberg, PhD, participated in the “Culture matters” seminar. Alexander Zibenberg is a researcher at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, HSE.

Value basis of socio-political attitudes across 15 countries

On September 16, Professor Shalom Hillel Schwartz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) took part in the “Culture matters” seminar. Prof. Schwartz is a research director at ISEL-SCR and the author of one of the most widely accepted theories of human values (Schwartz 1992, 1994).