The Laboratory fellows at the 28th International Congress of the Association of Applied Psychology
From 8 to 13 July, Paris hosted the 28th International Congress of the Association of Applied Psychology (ICAP) organized by the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP).
An international conference "The social psychology of economic and cultural change"
On June 10-11 International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Sociocultural Research has held an international conference “The social psychology of economic and cultural change”. They keynote speakers were : Cigdem Kagitcibasi (Koc University, Turkey), Shalom Schwartz (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Fons van de Vijver (Tilburg University, Netherlands), and Seger Breugelmans (Tilburg University, Netherlands). Researchers from the Laboratory and other institutions also presented their research.
Social capital as analytical tool for geographical communities: overview and empirical evidence from Latvia
On May 27, Guido Sechi (University of Latvia, Latvia) participated in the «Culture matters» seminar.
Acculturation: Past, Present and Future
On April 29, Professor John Berry (Queens University, Canada and Higher School of Economics, Russia) took part in the «Culture matters» seminar.
Members of the Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research at the HSE’s XV April International Academic Conference
On 2-5 April, HSE’s XV April International Academic Conference took place in Moscow. Leading professors and students from the Applied Social Psychology program took part in the conference.
Gene-Environment Correlations in Children's Problems with Peers
On April 10, Professor Ariel Knafo (Hebref University of Jerusalem) took part in the «Culture matters» seminar.
Intergenerational Transmission of Values
On April 7 – 11, the International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research hosted a lecture series on intergenerational transmission of values. The lectures were a part of “Advanced theory and methodology in social sciences” training course.
The Western point of view on Russian foreign policy
On April 3, Prof. Arto Mustajoki, University of Helsinki, participated in the “Culture matters” seminar.
Empirical testing of intercultural relations hypotheses in Russia.
On March 27, Professor N. M. Lebedeva, the head of the International Scientific-Educational Laboratory of Sociocultural Research at HSE, delivered a presentation as a part of «Culture matters» seminar.
Using Structural Modeling in Experimental Design
A presentation delivered at the “Culture Matters” seminar on March, 13. Alexis Belianin, Ph. D., is the Head of Laboratory for Experimental and Behavioral Economics.