Primary results of the field study on the problems of interethnic relations in Moscow and Crimea
On June 23 Zubova D.M. and Kodja E.A. took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Primary results of the field study on the problems of interethnic relations in Moscow and Crimea".
Intergroup attitudes of Russians and discrimination of immigrants in the socioeconomic domain
On June 20 Dmitry Grigoryev took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Intergroup attitudes of Russians and discrimination of immigrants in the socioeconomic domain".
Techno-optimism and techno-pessimism as socio-psychological phenomena
On June 1 professor Nestik T. A. took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Techno-optimism and techno-pessimism as socio-psychological phenomena".
Adaptation of health workers from OECD countries in Russia
On May 30 Dmitry Podolskiy took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Adaptation of health workers from OECD countries in Russia: opportunities and limitations from the perspective of creating international medical centers in Russia".
Psychological characteristics of Russian Jews: values, identities, and emigration intentions
On April 20 Evgeny Tartakovsky (PhD, Senior Lecturer, Tel-Aviv University, The School of Social Work) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Psychological characteristics of Russian Jews: values, identities, and emigration intentions".
Deception in interpersonal relationships
On April 17 Ilja van Beest (PhD, professor, Department of Social Psychology, Tilburg University, Netherlands) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Deception".
Cross-cultural study of the attitude towards the love of Chinese and Russian students
On April 6 Tsunyan L. (Professor of Heilongjiang University, China) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Cross-cultural study of the attitude towards the love of Chinese and Russian students".
The role of Cossacks in the formation of the Russian nation
On March 21 Bredikhin Anton Viktorovich took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "The role of Cossacks in the formation of the Russian nation".
Mental and methodological aspects of the genesis of Russia's economic strategy in the 21st century
On March 9 Mikhailov A.G. took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Mental and methodological aspects of the genesis of Russia's economic strategy in the 21st century".
Immigrants with Trauma: From Risk to Resilience
On March 2 Tomas Jurcik (Assistant Professor, PhD, Faculty of Social Science, School of Psychology, HSE) took part in the "Culture matters" research seminar with the report on "Immigrants with Trauma: From Risk to Resilience".