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Research & Expertise

Informal communication and organizational loyalty: cross-cultural analysis

On 5th of December together with the Department of Organizational Psychology scientific seminar "Culture Matters" took place. As part of the seminar was a lecture by Lusine Grigoryan, a junior researcher at the laboratory, graduate student of organizational psychology, on the theme: "Informal communication and organizational loyalty: cross-cultural analysis".

Applying meta-analysis

From 5th till 8th of Novemder on the base of the ILSCR, the short training course (workshop) “Applying meta-analysis” took place. The course was a part of the training program of the ILSCR “Advanced theory and methodology in social sciences”.

An introduction to Systematic reviews

On the 5th of November has been held scientific seminar from series "Culture Matters". Sebastian Bamberg, PhD, professor at University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld (Germany), made a presentation on following topic: “An introduction to Systematic reviews”.

Implicit methods for studying ethnic attitudes. Experience in experimental researches

On 24th of October has been held seminar from series "Culture Matters" with the presentation of Irina Plotka, PhD, Professor at Baltic Psychology and Management University College (Riga, Latvia), on following topic: "Implicit methods for studying ethnic attitudes. Experience in experimental researches".

New perspectives in studying leadership phenomena

From 18th  till 21st  of October  on the base of the ILSCR, the short training course “New perspectives in studying  leadership phenomena” took place. The lecturer was Rolf van Dick, PhD, Professor, Scientific head of Center for Leadership and Behavior in Organizations (CLBO), Germany.

Cultural values as constraints and facilitators of socio-economic change

On 10th of October has been held seminar from series "Culture Matters" with Shalom H. Schwartz, PhD, Scientific Supervisor of ILSCR, Professor at Hebrew University (Jerusalem, Israel) and at HSE (Moscow, Russia), presented an open lecture on following topic: "Cultural values as constraints and facilitators of socio-economic change".

Economic Psychology

From 24th till 26th of September on the base of the ILSCR, the short training course “Economic Psychology” took place. The course was a part of the training program of the ILSCR  “Advanced theory and methodology in social sciences”.

Emotion and Decision Making: How Feeling is for Doing

On 25th of September has been held seminar from series "Culture Matters" with Seger Breugelmans and Marcel Zeelenberg, PhD, Professors of Social Psychology in Tilburg University, Netherlands. They made a presentation on following topic: "Emotion and Decision Making: How Feeling is for Doing".

Psychology of migration processes

From 9th till 13th of September  on the base of the ILSCR, the short training course (workshop) “Psychology of migration processes” took place. The course was a part of the training program of the ILSCR  “Advanced theory and methodology in social sciences”.

Participation of ILSCR members in International Symposium "Empirical Transformation Research after Unification in Germany: State of the Art and what can other countries learn"

On 12-13 of September 2013 has been held International Symposium " Empirical Transformation Research after Unification in Germany: State of the Art and what can other countries learn". Staff of International Scientific-Educational Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research made presentations during the session "Culture and economic development".