The Holocaust in the Media
The first workshop in the academic year took place in the ILSCR on 13th September. The speakers were a group of researchers from the University of Vienna under the direction of Juergen Grimm with the presentation of the research project “An international comparative reception study on the documentary 'Night and Fog‘ (Alain Resnais, 1955)”.
Researchers of the ILSCR at the IACCP 21 st International Congress
A representative delegation from the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research participated in the largest cross-cultural psychology scientific event – IACCP 21st International Congress “Cross-Cultural Psychology in the Rainbow Nation of Africa”. The Congress was held from 17 to 21 July in the town of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
The head of the ILSCR Peter Schmidt became a member of ESS research team
Together with a team from England, Portugal and Switzerland the head of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research Peter Schmidt has won a competition for a revised module on immigration “Attitudes towards immigration and their antecedents” for the European Social Survey.
Male reproductive success in small-scale societies (Hadza and Datoga of Tanzania)
The seminar of ILSCR took place on 21st June. The theme was “Male reproductive success in small-scale societies (Hadza and Datoga of Tanzania)”, the lecturer was
Marina Butovskaya, world-wide renowned Russian anthropologist, doctor of history sciences, head of the Center for evolutionary anthropology of the Institute of ethnology and anthropology RAS.
Students and lecturers of Master program “Applied social psychology” at the Summer School
The second summer school of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research “Designing research and writing papers on culture and behavior: an intensive training seminar” took place in Moscow oblast on 15-20 June.
Innovative behavior and career development of managers in Russian business organizations: Empirical studies
The regular scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research took place on 31st May. The lecturer was Pavel Sorokin, researcher at the Center for Study of Social Organization of a Firm in Higher School of Economics.
Basic principles of ethno-functional methodology and the theory of mentality development of individuals and society
The regular meeting of the scientific seminar of the International Laboratory for socio-cultural research took place on 29th May. The lecturer was prof. Alexander Sukharev, PhD, senior researcher at the Institute of Psychology RAS, Director of the Center for ethno-functional research, Dean of the Psychology Department in State Academy of Slavic Culture.
“Survey research methods”: special issue on the Theory of Human Values
The new special issue on the Theory of Human Values edited by Eldad Davidov, Peter Schmidt and Shalom Schwartz is now available in the online journal “Survey Research methods” for free.
The spring cycle of training courses from the ILSCR
The spring cycle of professional development courses organized by the International Laboratory for socio-cultural research completed. A course of lectures "Intercultural and Acculturation Psychology" read by John Berry, the author of the theory of acculturation, professor emeritus at Queen's University, Canada, continued from April 16 to 20. A series of seminars "The Psychology of Economics” led by researchers of the department of social psychology of Tilburg University, the Netherlands, Marcel Zeelenberg and Seger Breugelmans, continued from April 23 to 26.
Acculturation and Adaptation of Immigrant Youth
The seminar on “Acculturation and Adaptation of Immigrant Youth” was held on 19 April in the ILSCR. The lecturer was John Berry, professor emeritus in Queen’s University of Kingston, Canada.