The ethnic identity of the person in the context of traditional culture of the North-East part of Russia
A.A. Buchek, the Doctor of Psychology, the Professor of Theoretical and Applied Psychology of Kamchatka State University gave a report on the regular scientific seminar of ILSCR on 22d November. In the presentation “The ethnic identity of the person in the context of traditional culture of the North-East part of Russia” A.A. Buchek spoke about her study of different ethnic groups of Kamchatka, and its theoretical basis.
Training course “Design and Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology”
19-23 November, on the base of the ILSCR, the 5-days training course (workshop) “Design and Methods in Cross-Cultural Psychology” took place. It was a part of the training program of the ILSCR “Advanced social psychology: theory, methodology, practice”.
The Social Psychology Days in Helsinki
Professor Nadezhda Lebedeva, PhD Alexander Tatarko, PhD Maria Efremova, PhD Zarina Lepshokova, and student of the master program “Applied Social Psychology” Tatiana Ryabichenko participated in the Symposium “Managing multiculturalism in Finland, Estonia and Russia” organized by the Department of Social Sciences (Unit of Social Psychology) during the Social Psychology Days in Helsinki 23.-24.11.12.
Researchers of the ILSCR at the training courses of the Social Research Association
In October, researchers of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research Nadezhda Lebedeva, Alexander Tatarko, Maria Efremova, Zarina Lepshokova, Ekaterina Osipova, Lusine Grigoryan and Olga Pavlenko attended the training courses of the Social Research Association in London.
The Strategies of Inter-Ethnic Adaptation of Estonian Russians
The regular scientific seminar “Culture matters” took place on 18th October. Marianna Drozdova, Master of psychology, PhD-student of Political Science program in the University of Tallinn, made a report "The Strategies of Inter-Ethnic Adaptation of Estonian Russians”.
Does religion affect people’s basic values?
The research seminar of the ILSCR took place on 17th October. Shalom S сhwartz , the scientific supervisor of the ILSCR, professor of the Hebrew University and the HSE, made a presentation “Does religion affect people’s basic values?”
How to motivate “normal” people to behave in a more proenvironmental way?
The scientific seminar of ILSCR took place on 4th October. Sebastian Bamberg, the Professor of Psychology Department in Bielefeld University made a presentation called “How to motivate “normal” people to behave in a more proenvironmental way?”
A training course "The Development and Evaluation of Social Programs
A training course "The Development and Evaluation of Social Programs" leading by Sebastian Bamberg, professor of Psychology Department, FH Bielefeld University of Applied Science, Germany, took place in the ILSCR on 1-5 October. It was a part of the training programs "Advanced social psychology: theory, methodology, practice" of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research. Dr Sebastian Bamberg is a specialist with 18 years of experience in the field of social program evaluation.
Results of the ethno-psychological expedition in Koryak Autonomous Area (August 2012)
Prof. Vladimir Serkin gave a talk on the results of the ethno-psychological expedition in Koryak Autonomous Area at the research seminar of the ILSCR on 27th September.
A training course “Attitudes and behavior”
A training course "Attitudes and behavior" leading by Isek Ajzen, professor emeritus of psychology of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, took place in ILSCR on 17-19 September. It was a part of the training programs "Advanced social psychology: theory, methodology, practice" of the International Laboratory for Socio-Cultural Research.